A Community of Republican Volunteers
We stand together and work to elect Republicans at all levels of Government. We believe in Faith, Family, and in the greatness of our republic. Join us as we work to educate and involve the voters of Legislative District 2 in elevating conservatives who will fight against the liberal corruption destroying America
Please sign our Guestbook

James McHenry (1753-1816) while he was a Maryland delegate to the Constitutional Convention records the events of the last day of the convention, September 18, 1787, he wrote: “A lady asked Dr. Franklin Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy – A republic replied the Doctor if you can keep it.”

April 2025
Monthly District MeetingRepeating Event

Chairman’s Welcome
On behalf of the executive Board and the many members of Legislative District 2 I want to welcome you to our website. If you are not yet a Precinct Committeeman please browse the links and info that are available to you here to learn more about us and what we do to help maintain a strong Legislative presence and defend the rights of our Community members. It is through the activities and participation of people like you that we are able to educate the public on the issues at hand and provide opportunities to learn about the existing and future candidates for public office.
Here in Legislative District 2 we work to achieve a level of mutual respect developing processes to achieve commonly shared goals. While division can often be found when concerning politics, it is the decorum and respect of different ideas and agreeing to disagree that must be mastered.
Please familiarize yourself with the Maricopa County GOP platform at Party Platform | Maricopa County Republicans (maricopagop.org) and if after reviewing the planks of the platform you find that your ideals align with the organization, navigate to the PC application form and/ or contact us button for next steps on how to be part of the solution. We look forward to serving the community with you.
Make a Difference, Be the Difference.
Paul Carver

Register to Vote
Become a Precinct Committeeman
Get involved in LD2! This is the link to the online PC Application.